Benefits of Membership

Membership Benefits – below is a list of the most popular benefits of joining the Association. We are a not for profit organisation and our main aims and objectives are to promote the virtues and needs of providing good clean “away from home ” toilets across the country to satisfy a range of Equality, Social and Medical needs.
We need all our members to promote the message and help be a catalyst for change. Many social groups are suffering extreme embarrassment and distress at the number of toilets closing everywhere. The current financial constraints upon councils and public providers is having a devastating effect on provision – but the overall economic cost to the country is far greater.
We want all our citizens and visitors to get out and enjoy our cities, towns, villages, parks and open spaces – but how can we not cater for their most basic human function – that will allow them to stay and enjoy the amenities we’ve built.
The benefits of membership include:
- Your individual or company’s association with our national campaign to improve the standards of all ‘away from home’ toilets. Being part of a growing number of concerned individuals that are helping to STOP the closure and perhaps reverse the trend to lead the growth of ‘away from home’ toilets throughout the UK
- All our members organisations are LINKED via the BTA website. So visitors to the site will have the opportunity to associate you with the campaign and follow-up your products and/or services with a simple CLICK
- The opportunity and ability to attend and vote at BTA meetings including the Annual General Meeting in October each year
- Being a member will allow you consider serving on BTA Advisory Committee
- Direct access to our members helpline – Free help and advice on a preferential basis with all toilet related issues including toilet legislation
- BTA meetings will allow you to Network and facilitate introductions to other members
- Member organisations are given priority for delegate registrations and exhibition stand space at the annual Conference. We offer a £25 discount on Conference fees
- We provide an extensive range of Consultancy services and are ready and willing to help identify any problem areas, create surveys, solutions and future strategies regarding your provision. Members receive preferential rates for this work.
- The BTA has help to publish a range of documents and guidelines regarding toilet provision – and offers 10% discount on our BTA publications
- Being able to use the BTA Membership logo on products and promotional material shows your clients and suppliers that you are actively supporting the drive to keep units open and well maintained. With good promotion often comes great business.
- All members will be afforded the opportunity to be included in BTA Buyers Guide of products and services. This section is currently under considerable redevelopment – and will feature product ranges and alphabetical listings of suppliers
- We are developing our Website and Newsletter sites and every member is being encouraged to let us know what they are working on – or involved in so that we can post their news/feature items on BTA website
Corporate Champion Membership includes all of the above benefits plus:
- Your Company logo prominently displayed on all pages of the BTA website with an embedded link to your website
- Your full company details displayed on our Corporate Champions webpage – this will shortly include a gallery link for a revolving gallery of your products/services
- Your company logo displayed on our BTA Letterhead, Invoices and other company documents
- Your company logo displayed on the front page of any/all printed newsletters
- Connection with a vibrant network of active members involved in developing the ‘away from home’ toilet market
- Priority involvement into BTA projects and research
- Priority notice of forthcoming issues and technologies and gain Free exhibition stand space at the annual Conference
- Receive priority lead referrals. If the BTA is asked for specific products or services and immediately following recorded enquiries to BTA
- And finally.. Full use of the BTA Corporate Champion Logo which can be promoted on all their marketing, administration and promotional material